Promoting diversity and strengthening cohesion


July 6, 2023

Project begin: 01.03.2023
Project end: 30.06.2024

Our project at a glance

Our 18 months project aims to raise community awareness of racism and discrimination in
order to build a society where the rights of every individual are respected with dignity and
The project provides a historical overview of racism and racial discrimination, enables the
transfer of knowledge and the development of young multipliers, and offers approaches to
prevent and combat racial discrimination.

Project Phases:

Phase 1: Conducting interviews
On this phase, we will be conducting 2 types of interviews:
 With organisations such as churches, municipality, NGO, policy makers to
understand their daily work towards racism and discrimination and the policy or
strategy they have established to fight again racism.
 With individual especially People of colours who have experienced racism and
Phase 2: Capacity building, training courses and coaching on topics related to racism,
discrimination, power structures and empowerment.
Phase 3: Erstellung eines Toolkits für Lernmethoden, Ausrüstung und bewährte Verfahren
zu Themen im Zusammenhang mit Rassismus, Diskriminierung und Empowerment.
Between the Phase 1 & 2 we will be organising an online campaign where people can share
their experiences and though related to racism and discrimination. Please join our campaign
via our website and Facebook page.
Between the Phase 2 & 3 we will be launching an online platform providing free courses.
Project Coordinator: Germaine Marie NGO HANNA
Phone: 06241 4831836

For more information: Visit our website –

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