Promoting diversity and strengthening cohesion
As part of the project "Promoting diversity and strengthening cohesion", funded by the Deutsche Post Lotterie, ADNA e.V Worms and its partners are raising public awareness of the problems of racism and discrimination, as well as the importance of education and...
Promoting diversity and strengthening cohesion
Project begin: 01.03.2023Project end: 30.06.2024 Our project at a glance Our 18 months project aims to raise community awareness of racism and discrimination inorder to build a society where the rights of every individual are respected with dignity andpeace.The...
Impact of climate change on food security: A comparative overview in the global north and south
In regard to the Cop27: United Nations Climate ChangeA contribution of ADNA e.V Worms to the debate.Climate change is a worldwide issue that induces long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Changes in precipitation and extreme weather events cause...
Environmental Awareness Issues Training: ‘”It concerns Me, it concerns Us”
ONLINE SEMINAR VIA ZOOM Environmental Awareness Issues Training: ‘"It concerns Me, it concerns Us". The aim is to raise awareness among young people and youth organizations on ecological issues and impact investment concerning environmental protection and...
Summary of the workshop on introducing programming to children
Benefits of introducing children to Programmation Coding is simply another language.This allows them to: strengthen verbal and written skills. Exposing them to different languages at an early age helps them to better understand the world around them. Teaching them the...
The official launch of the Black Academy project
Here we are! The official launch of the Black Academy project will take place this 15.07.22 in person at Schloss Mannheim Gartensaal (Castle of the University of Mannheim) and online via Zoom Meeting from 16:00-19:00 (German...
Stark gegen Diskriminierung und Gewalt Empowerment Workshop
mit Anti-Rassismus und Empowerment Trainerinnen : Ngo Bigda Sylvie Paulette & Romial Kenmogne Wann: 16.07.2022 von 13:00-18:00Uhr Wo: Adresse: Evangelische Kirchgemeinde Herrnsheim Höhenstraße 47, 67550 Worms Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, für Verpflegung wird...
Impulse für die Migrantenorganisation (IMO)
Topic: Impulse für die Migrantenorganisation (IMO) ‘’ Digitalisierung, Projektbeschreibung und...
Empowering African Parents and Children
Topic: Empowering African Parents and Children Ziele des Projekte: Mit dem Projekt wollen wir die folgenden Fragen beantworten: · Wie begleite ich mein kind erfolgreich bis zum Abitur? · Wie ist das Worsmser Schulsystem aufgestellt und was nützt mir...
North/South exchange on strengthening women’s political participation and development.
June 2021 Title: North/South exchange on strengthening women's political participation and development. Objective: The project will support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda with SDG targets 5 to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Furthermore,...