“Worldcafe” Introduction to development policy issues with refugees in Worms


January 22, 2022

Title: “Worldcafe” Introduction to development policy issues with refugees in Worms”


  • To bring refugees and asylum seekers together and understand what their expectations, their desires, and needs might be and to what extent they are able to exercise their active participation in the society they live in.
  • To identify their skills and competencies that will be important for them to be perceived not only as takers but also as givers who can contribute something to their society and live independently.
  • To empower refugees and asylum seekers and familiarise themselves with the most important aspects of the host culture, a process of biculturalism from the perspective of hosts and newcomers, as well as the different challenges they face.  The exchange with each other should promote their self-confidence.

Date: 17.10.2020

Number of Participants: 25

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