The official launch of the Black Academy project

black academy


July 12, 2022

Here we are!
The official launch of the Black Academy project will take place this 15.07.22 in person at Schloss Mannheim Gartensaal (Castle of the University of Mannheim) and online via Zoom Meeting from 16:00-19:00 (German time).
So, dear friends, we invite you to join us in the city of two rivers or on Zoom Meeting by registering here for this event.
For the participation in person, please send us your name, first name and place of location to

Indeed, our Black Academy project aims to make visible the skills and expertise of black people and fight against all forms of discrimination they are victims too.
While waiting for the official launch, you can visit the project platform here:

Do not miss this international event that will reveal the genius and potential of black people and the many achievements for the development of the world.

# Schwarze Akademie

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